
MODULE: help my child communicate his needs (REQUESTING)

Use communication strategies with your child around your everyday routine!

Is your child pulling you to get what he wants? Is your child struggling to use language to communicate his needs? Would you want your child to communicate more? Or help him to expand his single words into longer phrases? And to request for a variety of things under different situations? Learn how to use communication strategies around your everyday routine to help and motivate your child to communicate more! Maximise your child's potential by tapping on his early years when learning is optimal.

This online training is for you if…..

1. Your child has a vocabulary of a few spoken words but finds it challenging to use language to initiate requests for his wants.

2. You are committed to your child’s success.

3. You are email & web-savvy, have access to a computer/smartphone.

4. Your child is not in a crisis situation that needs immediate attention.

Share with us your needs.

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